LED signs can be sold directly to the consumer to display text, photos, and videos to showcase their business to potential customers. LED signs can come in multicolored patterns that draw attention to the message. They contain no mercury and produce minimal to no heat. They are lightweight, safe to touch and install, and provide long-lasting, high-quality messages. Exterior LED programmable reading boards are highly versatile and can be installed on a single pole, double pole, wall, or set inside a landscape design.
How Long Do LED Signs Last?
LED signs typically last around ten years but can last shorter or longer depending on if they are kept in good condition and made from high-quality materials. They can be left on 24 hours a day to provide maximum exposure to businesses. They can last 100,000 hours or more if cared for properly. They can come in both interior and exterior designs. Interior signs can showcase your message to customers and people walking by, and exterior signs can withstand extreme weather conditions and feature messages to the outside world.
LED Sign With Universal LED
If you are looking for an LED sign in Detroit, MI, Columbus, OH, Milwaukee, WI, or the surrounding areas, Universal LED can help you. Our Digital LED displays can increase your business’s reputation. Our lineup of digital led signs is designed for innovation and form factor. Check out our gallery to see some of the customized signs we’ve provided to our clients! We can take care of all of your needs and help you avoid the hassle. To learn more about us, you can call us at (866) 355-8699 or (313) 693-9504 or contact us online.